Discharge cleaning / room preparation

Incredibly simple and efficient.

Transparent, faster bed and room availability through algorithmic route control of discharge cleaning. Optionally with real-time localization of beds.

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Screenshot of the station overview

Everyday life on the ward - free beds are in short supply

Bed preparation comes before occupancy, and nursing often has to organize this manually by phone and sometimes even does it itself! The simplinic bed management offers the nursing staff an intuitively understandable app with which the cleaning can be requested. One click, done. The cleaning service receives an optimized work list with the shortest routes automatically organized by an algorithm. This saves measurable time. Unnecessary routes and phone calls are avoided, and it is transparent in real time where which bed is available again.

Algorithm. No dispatcher.

No dispatcher is required for bed management at simplinic . The flexibly configurable algorithm calculates the next station and displays it via a red bar. The individual orders can be reached via one click.
This demand-oriented control makes the process extremely transparent and efficient.

Documentation with cancellation function

The bed preparation is documented with one click. If an order is unclear or not possible, one of the two cancellation reasons can be used. The order cancellation is displayed to the ward with the corresponding reason. Everything, whether re-registration or cancellation, is automatically documented and is available for evaluation at any time.


  • Transparency and real-time control of bed preparation
  • Reduce average bed reprocessing time by up to 40%.
  • High savings potential through reduction of bed stock
  • Real-time communication between care and cleaning silently via app
  • Intelligent cleaning algorithm for demand-oriented reprocessing
  • Automatic documentation for utilization and process analyses incl. benchmarking
  • Real-time localization of all beds incl. differentiation by bed types and status (optional)

Follow everything live

The live dashboard gives you an overall view at any time. How much cleaning is currently still requested? When and where was the last cleaning? How many jobs have already been processed today? These are all questions that you can now answer at any time. You can also filter by station and date.

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The product is fully DSGVO compliant. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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Customer hotline

We are available by phone on weekdays from 8am-6pm, otherwise by email.

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Weekly & Monthly Reports

simplinic provides you with prepared reports based on your raw data. Even benchmarking is possible!

You just have to decide!

Selection of customers who have recently opted for the module.

Logo Sana AG
Logo Clinical Center Motherhouse of the Borromean Sisters
Logo Christian Hospital Quakenbrück
Logo Auf der Bult
Logo hospital Porz am Rhein
Logo University Hospital Essen