Final disinfection

No more paperwork!

With the final disinfection module, simplinic supports the hospital with digital order processing and documentation along the entire decontamination process.

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Screenshot of station overview with requested final disinfection

Configuration & compliance made simple.

The storage of individual cleaning agents incl. concentration and exposure time as well as the allocation to germs creates compliance along the entire process. Configurations ensure the implementation and necessary documentation.

Digital, complete documentation!

All disinfection requests as well as the corresponding execution is documented in the digital disinfector form. With a few clicks and appropriate filters, you can track germ occurrence over time and across stations. All disinfector forms can be exported and stored as .pdf or .csv. The forms are kept in the system for 2 years.


  • Quality assurance through stored disinfectants, dosage and exposure times
  • Easy commissioning via desktop, tablet or smartphone
  • Transparency over the remaining exposure time
  • Digital documentation of the entire process
  • Automatic message for a subsequent occupation of the beds - optional -.
  • Digital documentation incl. export function (.pdf, .csv) instead of paperwork
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The product is fully DSGVO compliant. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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Customer hotline

We are available by phone on weekdays from 8am-6pm, otherwise by email.

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Weekly & Monthly Reports

simplinic provides you with prepared reports based on your raw data. Even benchmarking is possible!

You just have to decide!

Selection of customers who have recently opted for the module.

Logo Sana AG
Logo Clinical Center Motherhouse of the Borromean Sisters
Logo Christian Hospital Quakenbrück
Logo Auf der Bult
Logo hospital Porz am Rhein
Logo University Hospital Essen