Temperature monitoring

Never take the temperature manually again!

Monitoring and documentation of refrigerators and temperature-sensitive zones. In just a few steps, you can monitor all objects and areas in your hospital in real time and at a glance. Event histories can be exported easily, new objects can be added and monitored flexibly at any time.

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Medication temperature monitoring screenshot

Monitoring without simplinic?

In many hospitals, monitoring of temperature-sensitive areas is done manually using spot checks. This means extra travel, effort and paperwork for the nursing staff. Deviations from target values are noticed late and what is outside the measuring points are blind spots. simplinic now offers automatic and continuous monitoring and documentation of temperature and other measured values.

The whole house in view!

You can get an overview of all monitoring units via the temperature overview. Quick filters, such as by building or station, allow a quick deep dive. A click on "open alarms" shows the corresponding objects filtered.

Act quickly on site!

The embedding in the classic station overview shows only the monitoring objects in the corresponding area. Alarming and alarm acknowledgement can thus be done locally (decentralized). If a limit value is exceeded or not reached, an alarm pop-up appears (not shown here), regardless of which module tab is currently open.


  • Automate routine task
  • Safe and continuous live monitoring
  • Relief for the nursing staff
  • Setting application-specific limit values
  • Complete documentation of all devices
  • Other environmental data such as humidity and air pressure
  • Keeping calibration certificates up to date

No vendor lock-in

Temperature monitoring works with any Bluetooth-enabled temperature sensor.

Customer hotline

We are available by phone on weekdays from 8am-6pm, otherwise by email.

Deposit calibration certificates

simplinic enables the storage of calibration certificates including expiration date.

You just have to decide!

Selection of customers who have recently opted for the module.

Logo Sana AG
Logo Clinical Center Motherhouse of the Borromean Sisters
Logo Christian Hospital Quakenbrück
Logo Auf der Bult
Logo hospital Porz am Rhein
Logo University Hospital Essen