Bed transportation

No more bottlenecks!

With just a few clicks, the software enables smooth bed transport in the hospital. The order is created from the familiar environment of the ward overview. The use of the tool is particularly useful in hospitals with a central bed preparation system.

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Bed availability is core to patient flow

In many hospitals, the distribution of beds and transport couches is still done on demand and by telephone. Due to hospital dynamics, this is frustrating for all involved, even in smaller hospitals. Especially for the outflow from the ZNA or in hospitals with holding areas, the availability of beds and transport couches is a critical part of the patient flow. simplinic offers with the bed transport a solution that can be implemented quickly without much effort and relieves the staff.

Extremely simple ordering process!

The requests are triggered from the familiar environment of the station overview and sent to the digital order lists of the service or pickup and delivery service. The processing status can be viewed transparently at any time.

Flexible order types

With just a few clicks you can add order types, e.g. special beds. A step-by-step introduction of different bed types up to transport beds is thus possible. Accessories, such as a pillow or a side panel, can also be entered and activated by the system administrator at any time.


  • Intuitive transport request on all devices
  • Workload information of the transport team already at the time of ordering
  • Flexible creation and activation of order types
  • Live overview of the order status
  • No dispatcher position necessary
  • Automatic evaluation of central process key figures
  • Fast uncomplicated introduction
  • Pool solution possible in combination with patient transport or bed preparation
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You just have to decide!

Selection of customers who have recently opted for the module.

Logo Sana AG
Logo Clinical Center Motherhouse of the Borromean Sisters
Logo Christian Hospital Quakenbrück
Logo Auf der Bult
Logo hospital Porz am Rhein
Logo University Hospital Essen