simplinic Data Center

The right KPI for every question

All our modules come with comprehensive evaluations directly in the product. At the touch of a button, you receive valuable insights that enable you to make data-based decisions. Gut feeling is a thing of the past - from go-live, you have all the facts on the table.

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Gut feeling is good - facts are better!

The simplinic Data Center is not a classic reporting tool - it is your real-time control center for all service and logistics processes.


All processes at a glance

Whether patient transportation, bed management or pick-up and delivery service - everything is integrated. All data is bundled in one place.


Impact analysis in real time

Every process change is measurable and can be checked immediately for its effect. No delay, no guesswork.


Cloud-based & accessible from anywhere

From go-live, you have full transparency anytime and anywhere - whether on your PC, tablet or smartphone, in the office or on the train.


Dynamic filtering. No static reports!

You decide what you want to see. The module offers powerful filter functions per graph for almost every conceivable question.


Never Excel or PowerPoint again

Don't waste time with time-consuming manual analyses. All relevant data is already prepared and accessible.


A data basis for all

Put an end to finger-pointing and vague statements such as "Transport is always late." Instead, analyze the facts and identify the causes.

Build your own Control Center - even across multiple locations.

In combination with the live views of our modules, you can create your own Control Center. This allows you to control your service and logistics processes centrally at one location. Cross-location control is also possible.

Structured process data in one place

All simplinic process data is collected, structured and stored in a standardized manner in the same spatial model. This means that analyses can also be superimposed and controlled across modules. This also applies across buildings, e.g. for hospital chains.

You just have to decide!

Selection of customers who have recently opted for the module.

Logo Sana AG
Logo Clinical Center Motherhouse of the Borromean Sisters
Logo Christian Hospital Quakenbrück
Logo Auf der Bult
Logo hospital Porz am Rhein
Logo University Hospital Essen